I used to use Zaptel and ZTdummy for conference call ( I don’t have any hardware anymore )
I upgrade the system recently and I am lost. Dahdi seems to do a dahdi_ztdummy ?! Is that right ?
How can I download it as a module ?
If I tried modprobe dahdi_ztdummy -> no succees
What is the normal procedure and how make sure that this is dowloaded ??
Dahdi show status -> unable to open /dev/dahdi/ctl
What I also noticed, after the installation of the dhadi-tools I could see: ’ your hardware is ( nothing appeared )’ , I read I need to edit the file /etc/dahdi/module and select my hardware
The list is a list of hardware. What should I do with that IF I don’t have any hardware ?
I have the feeling that the dhadi is pre-configured for the use of hardware.
What should I modify, if I just want this ZTDummy ??
Can I check with you how to install DAHDI this properly
(I follow what I found )
make install
At any times, I modify something, saying that need ztdummy
What also surprised me, is when I /sbin/service dahdi restart
It cannot download anything at all !!?!? And the Make and make install are ( seems to be ) OK !?!?