I’m in the UK, and want to connect a home Asterisk server to my phone line. The current setup has multiple users, and calling between computers on my home LAN works fine, using some softphones.
All my computers are linux, though I do have access to some Windows boxes if they’re necessary.
I understand I need a FXO Gateway to sit inbetween the phone socket on my wall, and my Asterisk box. I’m not quite following from the guides on the internet how to connect that (physically) to the Asterick box and the network. I have a standard home network where DCHP is controlled by by ISP-provided router in an out-of-the-box configuration. Ideally, it would be easiest if I could leave that as it is.
I saw a Linksys SPA3102 on eBay that looked like it might be a good choice for this, and then managed to find a couple of guides, but they all appeared to need to mess around with the existing router, and I’d like to know if that can be avoided if possible.