make sure you change [bkruse] to something for you,
and secret=blah to a good password.
also you can go to the asterisk-gui directory and run make checkconfig
and see what else it says. If everything is ok, then you probably have a permissions problem, and need to chown +R asterisk /var/lib/asterisk
[quote=“chasles”]i ve changed and i ve it working since but the login page have had some problems :
it s blocked and it s making a loop in tht gui interface and i don t know what s wrong ?
Any idea thanks for the help[/quote]
Did you ever figure out the looping issue?! I am having the same problem on my end. Very frustrating! I am using a FQDM (not IP), all permissions are root, etc.
Hurray, this svn version “2.0.4” does not have the “checking write permission for gui folder” bug!
cd /var/local
svn co asterisk-gui
cd asterisk-gui
make install
Now I can log into the GUI 2 and I see this new error:
Uptime :
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
All this work to have a GUI was in hopes that I could build an H.323 trunk.
On the “Trunks” menu under “VOIP Trunks” I can only add: SIP or IAX
I have OpenH323 installed, but I guess the new GUI 2.x can’t add H323?