hello sir,
i am facing following error…
"The GUI does not have necessary privileges!
Please check the manager permissions for the user!"
please help …what to do now…
i am using
centos 6
asterisk gui-2.1.0-rc1
; Authorization for various classes
; Read authorization permits you to receive asynchronous events, in general.
; Write authorization permits you to send commands and get back responses. The
; following classes exist:
; all - All event classes below (including any we may have missed).
; system - General information about the system and ability to run system
; management commands, such as Shutdown, Restart, and Reload.
; call - Information about channels and ability to set information in a
; running channel.
; log - Logging information. Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
; verbose - Verbose information. Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
; agent - Information about queues and agents and ability to add queue
; members to a queue.
; user - Permission to send and receive UserEvent.
; config - Ability to read and write configuration files.
; command - Permission to run CLI commands. Write-only.
; dtmf - Receive DTMF events. Read-only.
; reporting - Ability to get information about the system.
; cdr - Output of cdr_manager, if loaded. Read-only.
; dialplan - Receive NewExten and VarSet events. Read-only.
; originate - Permission to originate new calls. Write-only.
; agi - Output AGI commands executed. Input AGI command to execute.
; cc - Call Completion events. Read-only.
; aoc - Permission to send Advice Of Charge messages and receive Advice
; - Of Charge events.
;read = system,call,log,verbose,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan
;write = system,call,agent,user,config,command,reporting,originate
The asterisk gui is very strange and sometimes requires a complete restart of asterisk for changes to take effect. Can you paste any more detailed errors here?