Trying to set up with FWD (using IAX)...a little confused

I can get Asterisk to send out calls to FWD from a logged in Softphone (Xlite). I use the settings suggested on I get a little static, but can hear it still. I use 3000 as the extension, one that’s already there in the sip.conf I use. However, that’s as far as I get, I can’t figure out how to get the incomming calls sent to the softphone as well, or remove the static. I’m stuck, any help would be appreciated. I would like to get Asterisk working so I can use it as a PBX at home, and maybe convince them to replace TeleVantage at work in the future.

I think I figured out how to route the incomming calls, but I don’t have time to test it right now.

UGH now I can’t get it to work at all.