I’m going crazy !
I read and configure several times my *@home without sucess.
Basically I have :
Routeur1 : staticIP and domain name (LAN1)
- Asterisk@home
- some softphone
Routeur2 : staticIP and domain name (LAN2)
- some softphone
To call a softphone from an other softphone inside the LAN1, no pb, I just call the extention and everythong works.
But I can’t call from LAN2 to LAN1 (or LAN1 to LAN2). LAN2 softphones registered well, but I have timeout error.
I tried also to add iax (from FWD). I tried several configs as on this forums people use iax2.fwdnet or pulver. When I try to call a FWD number (for exemple : 393612 or 19197543700) I have no connexion.
Have you tried to do the same ?
How are your configuration files ? DO you have a simple working example for to LAN with NAT routers and FWD ? I also tried voip-info.org but configurations didn’t worked.
My purpose is :
I want to call anybody from LAN1 to LAN1, or LAN2 to LAN2 or LAN1 to LAN2, and I also want to call Voip SIP number. I also want to receive theses calls… !! What number should a FWD user tap to call me ?
I’m not interested for calling RTC numbers for the moment.
Any help would be really welcome !!
I didn’t find any books in France about Asterisk