Sending call to queue

Please excuse my asterisk ignorance in advance. But how do i send the below dialplan to queue 1000 instead of Extesion 200?

exten => 572,1,NoOp(Welcome to the customer application)
exten => 572,n,Answer()
;exten => 572,n,Dial(SIP/200,15,trwWb)

That’s not extension 200, it is device SIP/200. The extension is 572.

Replace Dial(…) by Queue(1000), with any additional parameters that you need.

NB. If you are trying to do this on a GUI configuration you should do it using the GUI and you should get your support from the people who created the GUI.

Note that explicitly calling Answer will start charging for external callers, and make it more difficult to detect unanswered calls. On the other hand, it may be necessary if you want them to hear anything but ringback with queueing, or you expect to queue them for longer than then network operator’s unasnwered call timeout. I believe it is illegal to answer early, like this, in some countries.

Thanks David, i did this but unfortunately my call got stuck in a loop…trying to contact agent 200 in queue 1000 - but never getting there it seems.

[root@spieloG2TEST asterisk]# more extensions_custom.conf
exten => 572,1,NoOp(Welcome to the customer application)
exten => 572,2,Queue(1000,tn)

– Executing [200@from-queue:1] Set(“Local/200@from-queue-00000000;2”, “QAGENT=200”) in new stack
– Executing [200@from-queue:2] Goto(“Local/200@from-queue-00000000;2”, “,1”) in new stack
– Goto (from-queue,200,1)
– Executing [200@from-queue:1] Set(“Local/200@from-queue-00000000;2”, “QAGENT=200”) in new stack
– Executing [200@from-queue:2] Goto(“Local/200@from-queue-00000000;2”, “,1”) in new stack
– Goto (from-queue,200,1)
– Executing [200@from-queue:1] Set(“Local/200@from-queue-00000000;2”, “QAGENT=200”) in new stack
– Executing [200@from-queue:2] Goto(“Local/200@from-queue-00000000;2”, “,1”) in new stack

That loop is in a part of your dialplan that you haven’t shared with us.

can you kindly guide me where in the dialplan this loop is being created? the custom-app should send straight to the queue…

As Asterisk doesn’t come with such a dialplan, you are going to have to ask the person who supplied the dialplan.