Hi we have a small asterisk setup and are using agents with queues. our main queue dialplan looks like this:
exten => 10,1,Answer
exten => 10,n,Queue(tech|tT|||70)
exten => 10,n,Background(busy-pls-hold)
exten => 10,n,SetVar(QUEUE_PRIO=70)
exten => 10,n,Queue(tech|tT|||180)
exten => 10,n,Background(busy-pls-hold)
exten => 10,n,SetVar(QUEUE_PRIO=180)
exten => 10,n,Queue(tech|tT|||300)
exten => 10,n,Background(busy-pls-hold)
exten => 10,n,SetVar(QUEUE_PRIO=300)
exten => 10,n,Queue(tech|tT|||3600)
we are having a problem with the queue position announcements, when a caller reaches the point where they timeout, all other callers progress in the queue, and get an announcement saying they are now 1 call closer. But when the first call goes back into the queue with a higher priority all the other calls get pushed back again, and there announcement says they have gone backwards in the queue.
Does anyone know of a way we can fix this problem?
we are running asterisk 1.2.1