I am using FreePBX Distro 14 with Asterisk 13. I have posted this issue on the FreePBX forums but this appears to be more of an Asterisk related issue rather than FreePBX.
When an incoming call comes into a ring group using the ring all strategy, the CDR records are showing entries for all ring group members such as below…
2019-01-18 09:11:58 “Shipping Dock” <5555551212> 18008888888 Dial 600 NO ANSWER 00:19
2019-01-18 09:11:58 “Shipping Dock” <5555551212> 18008888888 Dial 600 ANSWERED 01:39
2019-01-18 09:11:59 “Shipping Dock” <5555551212> 18008888888 Dial 600 NO ANSWER 00:19
2019-01-18 09:11:59 “Shipping Dock” <5555551212> 18008888888 Dial 600 NO ANSWER 00:19
2019-01-18 09:11:59 “Shipping Dock” <5555551212> 18008888888 Dial 600 NO ANSWER 00:19
This creates unnecessary CDR noise and makes it impossible for managers to review the CDR records to see if users are answering their phones or not due to the false positives of missed calls that really weren’t missed calls as another member in the ring group answered the phone call.
Can this be fixed somehow?
Thank you!!