[resolved] Error 1 1

All of the sudden this morning when we called our asterisk server from the outside we would get a woman’s voice saying “Error 1 1” and then it disconnects us from the server. In the logs I haven’t seen anything or when I would try calling I wouldn’t see a call coming in. After restarting the asterisk program it started to work again but we would like to know what happened or if anyone knows what this error means.


I have some more information.

It seems like it happens randomly but I have found out how to get it to not work most of the time.

The way our pbx is setup is it goes through a time condition rule to see if we are open.
Then it goes to our after hours digital receptionist or it forwards it to the incoming calling queue. We have a queue that rings 3 secretary’s phones and after a couple of minutes it send them to voicemail if no one can answer it.

If I call in and am ringing the phones in the queue or I am talking to one of the people in the queue and I try calling our phone number from another cell phone I get the error 1 1. After I hang up on the first call, I can call again.

Does anyone know exactly what is happening?

Now it seems like it is working just fine. But what is strange is when there is an error it doesn’t display anytnig even when I have verbosity turned up to 9, but if the call works it displays a whole bunch of stuff on the screen.

I found out what the problem was, it was our voip provider and that is why I could never see any output on the console.