Remote Configuration?


I have browsed through the sticky above and read through some of the various articles. I have not noticed, is there a way to configure an asterisk server remotely?

I thought it would be nice to have a GUI that allows users to build dialplans visually.

Thank you,


take a look at FreePBX.

But FreePBX runs on the asterisk server. I was curious if there was an additional API that allowed a remote client application to edit .conf files, etc.

I am a developer and I a bit embarassed to say that I’ve been trying to get a simple assterisk server running with a sip softphone since Sunday and I still haven’t been completely successful. Much of the blame is just me because I don’t have linux experience for one thing (I am Windows developer) and I am new to asterisk, but I also think that there is a bit of inconsistency in documentation available or that documentation assumes (unknown foundation eg. linux skills, etc) a certain level of knowledge.

That’s ok. Asterisk is complex because it’s so functional. No problem learning as best I can from web tutorials, message boards, etc. I also have a couple of books on order.

My hope was that there was an API that also allowed configuration from a remote client. It would have been nice to be able to write a nice friendly Windows GUI that allowed visual dialplan creation, etc (once I know what Im doing of course).

I also see potential in integrated asterisk with our existing point of sale application, specifically drive-thru and delivery operations. Writing a nice GUI that could be extended later on for that integration would have been nice too.


I’m obviously not getting what you’re asking for. Yes, FreePBX runs on the asterisk server, but the client can be anywhere, as long as they have a web browser, they can edit the asterisk config, set up things, etc… ???


Sorry I was not clear. I would like to write my own client (like FreePBX), but in the Windows env. for Windows users. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, I’d like to integrate asterisk into an existing application. Secondly, I’d rather work with (in the long run) a nice delphi VCL component or a .Net assembly that abstracted out the details of putting together .conf files and building dial plans, etc… Thirdly, writing a component set would give me the added bonus of learning the details of asterisk as opposed to relying on freePBX to do it for me.

In a nutshell, I’m trying to find out if there is a way that I can do this over TCP IP sockets? At first glance I thought the existing asterisk api might do this, but it looks like it’s geared mostly towards more real time activities such as off loading lengthy processes and gaining of call control.

Maybe I could write a simple freepascal socket server for linux if there are no other alternatives…

Thanks and sorry about the mix up.

may things in * can be configured to use database, and I think writing GUI to DB is not hard task for you

Asterisk in it raw form (no GUI) is control by text files, if you can write it out drop it in right folder, and reload asterisk then you got it.

Thanks to both of you for your answers. It would be nice just to hook up to an MySQL db and manipulate the data there. Of course, I would have to find out if config info can be store/retrieved from the database.

Something else that I didn’t think about was using MONO/C#…


if you are interested in running the bulk of your configs from a database, see here:

you can pretty much put the entire dialplan in the DB…there are a few limitations, but it works pretty good.

[quote=“whoiswes”]if you are interested in running the bulk of your configs from a database, see here:

you can pretty much put the entire dialplan in the DB…there are a few limitations, but it works pretty good.[/quote]

Very nice.

Thank you,


If you develop in C# on Windows I was pointed towards this.
I have been playing with it for a few days and it works great.
Kinds seems like creating a windows gui for something like
this is re-inventing the wheel, anyhow…

[quote=“drkfiber”]If you develop in C# on Windows I was pointed towards this.
I have been playing with it for a few days and it works great.
Kinds seems like creating a windows gui for something like
this is re-inventing the wheel, anyhow…[/quote]

Thanks for the link. I will take a look at it.

True, it may seem like reinventing the wheel, but if we’re going to integrate asterisk in our application, I can’t see us trying to explain to our customer base (non-technical) how to change and maintain an asterisk pbx, even with a nice web interface like FreePBX. No, for our customers we will have to be more like “drag an ‘answer’ object from the tool pallet and drop it on the call flow chart. Right click on it and select “Add Ext. Action”, etc, etc.”

Thanks again