I am currently looking in to the options of using asterisk to setup a voicemail server / company directory. The voice mail system which
was in place when my company bought the new building was Replay Plus.
Currently i have no manual on how to configure the system for all my needs. We also have an NEC PBX system up and running. I am not trying to change this out for the time being. ( Honestly I would kinda like to)
The question comes down to: Could I setup a voice mail server/ operator atendant with Asterisk while still using the NEC PBX system?
I am just worried of running two PBX systems at once. Seeing that I am a newbie. Plus just a little hint the Replay Plus is made by Active Voice and runs on DOS. I know DOS is ok with being reliable but I would rather have a linux machine running.
Thank you for time, and I wish you all a wonderful day.
[quote=“Kgyarmati”]I am currently looking in to the options of using asterisk to setup a voicemail server / company directory. The voice mail system which
was in place when my company bought the new building was Replay Plus.
Currently i have no manual on how to configure the system for all my needs. We also have an NEC PBX system up and running. I am not trying to change this out for the time being. ( Honestly I would kinda like to)
The question comes down to: Could I setup a voice mail server/ operator atendant with Asterisk while still using the NEC PBX system?[/quote]
Yes, you may install TDM cards in the Asterisk box and interconnect to the NEC PBX via T1/E1s. You may use something like the Digium hardware.
Asterisk may be considered as a ‘toolkit’ that morphs into what ever application you are looking to deploy. So do not look at it as a second PBX, but a toolkit you are using to deploy a dedicated voicemail server.
Dump the DOS.
[quote=“Kgyarmati”]Thank you for time, and I wish you all a wonderful day.
Good day to you.
The modem cards inside the Voice Mail server which I am replacing at Intel Dialogic D/41D two of them