I would like to have users wait in queue for a max of 3 minutes. If agents are logged into the queue I’d like the next available agent to get the call waiting in queue. If all agents are busy I’d like for the call to wait in queue for 3 minutes and then be transferred to a different queue. If an agent becomes available in that queue and the hold time is less than 3 minutes, I’d like for that agent to get that call. Here is what I’ve worked out so far but I’m getting reports that calls are being put on hold for 3 minutes in the “sa_consumer_queue” and transferred to the “support” queue even when agents are available in the “sa_consumer_queue”.
context sa_consumer_queue {
s => {
Verbose(3, Call from ${CALLERID(all)} is calling Tech Support);
MONITOR_EXEC="/usr/local/parselog/update_mix_mixmonitor2.pl ${UNIQUEID}";
Queue(sa_consumer_queue,t,,,180,,,,); //hold call in queue for 3 minutes or until agent in sa_consumer_queue becomes available
Queue(support,t); //move to support queue after 3 minutes with no answer from agent in sa_consumer queue