My Asterisk 1.6 server died. I thought this would be a good time to upgrade to a newer version. Maybe that was a bad idea.
I installed CentOS 7
I installed Asterisk 11 (downloaded source and compiled)
I believe this was done correctly.
I copied my configuration files to /etc/asterisk, but none of my phones showed up. I restored the sample .conf files from the Ast 11 instal, and selectively copied my old Extensions, iax, meetme, sip and users .conf files. Still no joy
Sip show users shows all my extensions
Sip show registry shows no phones are registered.
I rebooted one of my phones, but it did not register.
Where should I look next to diagnose why my phones are not registering?
Also, the CLI is different. “restart now” is not in the CLI or in the CLI help. Why?
Did I do something wrong during the install?
The Asterisk 11 documentation does not have a list of valid CLI commands. Why?
I assumed I could find a list of CLI commands. I can use help, but I was hoping to find a list of supposed valid commands so I could determine if I missed a module or something.
Thanks much in advance for your assistance,