I’m kinda new to asterisk however I was successful in running and testing asterisk.
I have to note that I was able to make in-network connections between several computers on a network using asterisk and x-lite.
Following is my question:
I do have a static IP. When I try to connect to the asterisk server from another network(lets say a wifi network other than my network), the x-lite shows that it’s unable to make communication with the server. Let me also note that I have opened and forwarded port 5060 to the computer with the asterisk server on it. In other words, in my router settings I’ve set this port to forward to the asterisk’s server IP address and I do have a ststaic IP address as my domain name. As a result I’m not able to access the asterisk server and other computers(or telephones) from outside.
I was wondering if anyone can help. I also have to note that I do have access to my VPN server without any problem from outside, so I know that I can access my IP address from outside wothout a problem. Also, when using the same domain name when I’m connected inside my network I can access all the computers and phones through x-lite.
I appreciate it if someone can help me.