Here is my problem, I am able to connect X-Lite and make calls internally on my network. When I Put X-Lite outside my network it connects and says ready and shows my Username correctly. I then press a key and on asterisk CLI I see chan_sip.c:11244 handle_request: Unknown SIP command ‘PUBLIST’ Form and my asterisk IP address, I opened port 5060 on my firewall. any ideas?
I checked the firwall rule and everthing checks out. I am not using nat at all I have open the the port. I am not sure why Asterisk doent understand the SIP commands outside the network.
if you’re not using NAT your Asterisk MUST have a public IP address. is this the case? how are connections from outside the LAN getting routed to Asterisk inside the LAN?
Yes my asterisk server has a public Interface, I am using my server as a firewall, mail server and asterisk server. I two Interface cards one private and one public. I can make SIP calls inside my network from one pc to the other on my LAN I have connected to the Digium Test server as well. When I put the SIP phone on my external IP It connects and says ready and gives me my username as an extention I created, while watching the CLI evertime I hit a digit it send a responce Jul 28 12:30:38 NOTICE[10290]: chan_sip.c:11244 handle_request: Unknown SIP command ‘PUBLISH’ from ‘’
Am I missing something? I stoped the firewall open to the world and still get the same answer… Is there a place to configure external SIP Vs Internal ?
i agree with fdragowski, try with a different phone.
then turn on sip debugging (‘sip debug’ on the CLI) and try to decipher the SIP messages, they might give you a clue. i’ve never set up * with two NICs, i wonder if you might need to specify your external IP (externip=xxx in sip.conf.) because if * is sending it’s internal IP address to the external phones, well that obviously won’t work.
You should visit the following thread to check out your port configs; … ight=drwho
I think the admin guys should make the thread a sticky so anyone with a firewall/NAT issue can first check it out first before posting the same issues over and over again only to be told the same solutions or referred to the same thread(s).