I have copied the suggested ParkandAnnounce code with the modification of my context. It announces the first digit and then kills the channel. The user never actually hears the “7” spoken on their Grandstream GXP-2000 phone. The call is transferred to 701 on the first call and you can pick it up if you dial 701.
The recommended code from Grandstream is as follows:
Grandstream Configuration: None
Asterisk Configuration: In extensions.conf:
exten => _*3, 1, ParkAndAnnounce(pbx-transfer:PARKED|120|SIP/${DIALEDPEERNUMBER}|sip_incoming,${DIALEDPEERNUMBER},1)
In features.conf:
parkext => 400
parkpos => 401-420
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 45
transferdigittimeout => 3
courtesytone = beep
xfersound = beep
xferfailsound = beeper
findslot => next
My code is as follows:
parkext => *7
parkpos => 701-799
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 120
courtesytone = beep
xfersound = beep
xferfailsound = beeperr
findslot => next
;pickupexten = *8
;featuredigittimeout = 500
transferdigittimeout => 3
blindxfer => #1
automon => *1
atxfer => *2
exten => _*7,1,Answer
exten => _*7,2,Wait(1)
exten => _*7,3,ParkAndAnnounce(pbx-transfer:PARKED|120|SIP/${DIALEDPEERNUMBER}|motors,${DIALEDPEERNUMBER},1)
CLI> Message as follows
-- Executing Macro("Zap/5-1", "stdexten_motors|269|SIP/269") in new stack
-- Executing Dial("Zap/5-1", "SIP/269|30||rtT") in new stack
-- Called 269
-- SIP/269-212e is ringing
-- SIP/269-212e answered Zap/5-1
== Spawn extension (macro-stdexten_motors, s, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Zap/5-1’ in macro ‘stdexten_motors’
== Spawn extension (macro-stdexten_motors, s, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Zap/5-1’
– Started music on hold, class ‘default’, on Zap/5-1
== Parked Zap/5-1 on 704. Will timeout back to extension [macro-stdexten_motors] s, 1 in 120 seconds
– Added extension ‘704’ priority 1 to parkedcalls
– Playing ‘digits/7’ (language ‘en’)
Jun 29 15:47:53 WARNING[632]: chan_sip.c:9962 handle_response: Notify answer on an owned channel?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.