Parking announcements do not play in the grand stream

Can someone please help me?

I am setting up a call parking and am running into a funny problem!

Dial 700.Sound plays without problems.

However, if you use the Call Park button and dial 700 while on the phone, no announcement is made!

I will check the logs, but I don’t see any difference.
I am out of my depth.
Someone give me some help.

Progress was made.
We told you that the announcements were not playing, but in fact they were.

GRP2612P has four VPKs.
I have set them up as follows.

The first is LINE"302".
The second is a Call Park “700”
The third is parking destination “701”

The LINE lamp will be lit during the call.
Press the second button “700” and park hold.

The asterisk log will show that an announcement is playing, but you will not actually hear it.
The LINE lamp will flash while the announcement is playing.

Press the LINE button and the LINE lamp will light up and, to our surprise, we can hear the announcement!

It doesn’t seem to be the same as pending, but I don’t know what’s going on anyway.
If anyone knows a workaround, please let me know.

I just want to hear the park destination announcements after the park call.

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