Not sure if my install is ok....How can I verify?

I installed asterisk 1.8 using the tutorials on

First of all, I am unable to execute the command (as it’s stated in the tutorial):

/etc/init.d/asterisk status

It errors out with:

/etc/init.d/asterisk: line 169: status: command not found

I am able to start and stop the services just fine. I just can’t verify if the service is ok.

And also, the tutorials state that when I first connect to the CLI using “asterisk -r”, that I’m supposed to see the following text:

[b]Asterisk version, Copyright © 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type ‘core show warranty’ for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type ‘core show license’ for details.

Connected to Asterisk version currently running on server (pid = 11187)[/b]

But instead of the text above, I’m getting this:

Verbosity is at least 3
– Remote UNIX connection

any ideas?

What’s the URL of this tutorial you’re talking about? … rom+Source

What distribution are you using?

status seems to only apply to RedHat, SuSE and Mandriva.

What you see as far as output is concerned upon connecting to the CLI is fine.

We’ll need to get the Wiki page updated.


[quote=“malcolmd”]What distribution are you using?

status seems to only apply to RedHat, SuSE and Mandriva.

What you see as far as output is concerned upon connecting to the CLI is fine.

We’ll need to get the Wiki page updated.


I’m using OpenSuSE 11.1. Does the status command only apply to SuSE Enterprise or does OpenSuSE count as well?

[quote=“abacabb”][quote=“malcolmd”]What distribution are you using?

status seems to only apply to RedHat, SuSE and Mandriva.

What you see as far as output is concerned upon connecting to the CLI is fine.

We’ll need to get the Wiki page updated.


I’m using OpenSuSE 11.1. Does the status command only apply to SuSE Enterprise or does OpenSuSE count as well?[/quote]


No SuSE machine here to test against.

The rc.suse.asterisk init.d script in the contribs folder just says SuSE. shrug

Are you familiar with the creation of SuSE init.d scripts? If so, perhaps you could suggest a fix?

[quote=“malcolmd”][quote=“abacabb”][quote=“malcolmd”]What distribution are you using?

status seems to only apply to RedHat, SuSE and Mandriva.

What you see as far as output is concerned upon connecting to the CLI is fine.

We’ll need to get the Wiki page updated.


I’m using OpenSuSE 11.1. Does the status command only apply to SuSE Enterprise or does OpenSuSE count as well?[/quote]


No SuSE machine here to test against.

The rc.suse.asterisk init.d script in the contribs folder just says SuSE. shrug

Are you familiar with the creation of SuSE init.d scripts? If so, perhaps you could suggest a fix?[/quote]

No idea…lol.

n00b here.

Malc you asked to fix the init script.
In status section of /etc/init.d/asterisk put the following code:

   echo -n "Checking for service asterisk"
   checkproc /usr/sbin/asterisk
   rc_status -v

The case is that the asterisk init script (/etc/init.d/asterisk) does not comply entirely to the openSuSE convention of such scripts.
In openSuSE one should use rc_ - functions.
Mainly rc_reset rc_status rc_exit

Successfully running “asterisk -r” to bring up a remote console will give at least as much information, and will prove more useful in future.