Multicast Paging?

What am I missing here? I have this in the dial plan (Asterisk 13.10) to attempt multicast paging to my handsets.

exten => 1234,1,Dial(MulticastRTP/basic/

Dialing 1234 from a handset just causes asterisk to crash with no further log info as to why.

Executing [1234@from-internal:1] Dial(“PJSIP/4407-00000000”, “MulticastRTP/basic/”) in new stack freepbx*CLI>
Disconnected from Asterisk server Asterisk cleanly ending (0). Executing last minute cleanups

Any ideas or thoughts as to why this could be happening would be greatly appreciated!

Asterisk 13.10 unfortunately has a regression where if you are using chan_multicast_rtp instead of chan_rtp (functionality was backported but the old one was kept for backwards compatibility) it may crash depending on the dial string provided to it. This has been fixed in Git and will be in a future release. Using chan_rtp should not have the problem, and also specifying options in the Dial string when using chan_multicast_rtp will also not have the same problem such as:

exten => 1234,1,Dial(MulticastRTP/basic/


Awesome - that does indeed work. Thanks for the response - much appreciated!

The fix for this will be included in Asterisk 13.11 which I expected to be released fairly soon.