Looking for a Start

Hello All,

I’m am looking to implement an employee sign in application to be used with Asterisk. It would need to record the number called from, the date, time, and employee ID and be able to handle mutliple calls at the same time. It would also need to an easy to generate a report which could be used for payroll. This system would be used to track 20-50 employees.

Would this be easy to implement using Asterisk? If anyone could provide me with a start, it would be much appreciated.

Also, we may be looking for a developer to get this system started, is this the best forum to be looking, If anyone knowledge is available for hire, fell free to message me.


Quite easy, it is necessary to build an agi php script that collect the records about the start end the end of the working hours of every person and store this in a mysql database, then you have to build a web interface to get the reports you need; I built something similar for a call center in the past.

Try also in the jobs forum.


Marco Bruni

I know it is a bit off the topic, but another alternative is a web-based timeclock app. There are several good free ones such as timetrex.com/ which you can set up in just minutes.

We have a very nice system ExtendTime which uses Asterisk PBX with Analog or SIP IP phones for Time and Attendance with a Web based back end. The Asterisk system is used for IVR into the web based back end as well as for speech & voice verification of the employees punching in. If interested visit http://www.extendtime.com for more information