I recently ran into problems after I updated CentOS 4 using a standard 'yum update".
A new kernel was downloaded - vmlinuz-2.6.9-34.106.unsupported , and after I booted onto it, I found that I could not comple zaptel code.
(I had also downloaded the latest asterisk and zaptel code)
In the end I had to go back to two version to 2.6.9-
before I was able to successfully compile up asterisk and zaptel!
What’s the latest CentOS kernel that anyone is successfully using with Asterisk 
i ran into the same problem man, anyone here who’ve worked it out already? and btw how do i use the former stable kernel from centos using yum? thanks in advance! 
To boot off an earlier kernel, you can simply use the grub menu at boot up time to select one of the earlier kernels. press enter when the graphical boot menu starts up, then use the up and down arrows to select one of the other kernels configured in the menu.
Each time a new kernel is added (using yum update) it (the latest kernel) is added to the grub config file as the default kernel to boot from. All the existing kernels are left in the grub conf file.
You can modify the grub configuration file - /boot/grub/grub.conf - and set the default value to whichever entry number you want.
It starts as “default=0” - meaning the first kernel in the list.
I ending up changing it to “default=2” to go back to the third most recent kernel.
exactly what i was doin sir but what i’m askin is how do i get those devel packages especially for the kernel-devel wherein i can obtain the previous kernel. i can’t get zaptel to compile on the new kernel of centos how do i update using yum from the previous stable kernel… still don’t know about configuring the linux kernel…thanks again…
I’m a little confused by what you are asking there. I haven’t gotten any further than boooting of the older kernel; then recompiling zaptel and asterisk; and then succesfully restarting Asterisk. Becuase I now have Asterisk and zaptel running at the latest versions, I’m not really that worried that I’m running at less that the latest OS kernel. I’d like to be able to run with the latest kernel, but I’m really not going to tear out what little hair I have left trying to figure out how to get the latest kernel going. If someone can tell me something fairly simple to do to get it going - great. Otherwise I’ll just stick with this version of the kernel.
When I get another machine to play with I intend to try it all from a clean install - both of CentOS and Asterisk/zaptel and see how that goes.
There’s a typo in the latest CentOS/RHEL kernel (confirmed by Redhat). The fix is to edit the Zaptel Makefile (fix courtesy of Russ Price):
Here’s a quick fix. In your zaptel Makefile, add the following (line 38 for 1.2.4) - THIS SHOLD BE ALL ONE LINE:
This way, if this is fixed in the next kernel release, you won’t need to make another change to the Makefile.
[quote=“Djelibeybi”]There’s a typo in the latest CentOS/RHEL kernel (confirmed by Redhat). The fix is to edit the Zaptel Makefile (fix courtesy of Russ Price):
Here’s a quick fix. In your zaptel Makefile, add the following (line 38 for 1.2.4) - THIS SHOLD BE ALL ONE LINE:
This way, if this is fixed in the next kernel release, you won’t need to make another change to the Makefile.[/quote]
Thanks heaps for that - I changed the Makefile mod slighlty to match the latest kernel that I am using - 2.6.9-34.106.unsupported -, booted off that kernel, compiled zaptel-1.2.5 successfully; recompliled asterisk-1.2.6, rebooted again, and “Bob’s your uncle” - it’s all working again. And finally, modified /boot/grub/grub.conf to reset the default boot kernel to the latest one.
Nice and simple fix - thanks very much for that. 
…hey guys thanks…i’ll try that patch…good day!