Hi all,
This seems to be a common problem for me, and I don’t know the best fix.
I have asterisk running on FC4. It’s a play-box that I’m learning asterisk on. All has been well for months, until I rebooted and it loaded a newer kernel that I had installed from YUM. I was previously running 2.6.14-1.1653, but after reboot loaded 2.6.15-1.1831.
zaptel didn’t load under the new kernel. Figuring out that much is about as smart as I am - I don’t know what else to do other than set my default boot in grub to the earlier kernel and forget about it. But I did notice that I have zaptel.ko files in /lib/modules//misc for earlier kernels, but not for the newest 2.6.15-1 kernel.
Does that have something to do with my problem? Do I need to create a zaptel.ko module for my newer kernel and put it in that directory? Is that what people mean by linking or compiling the module for the new kernel? Should that have happened somehow automatically when yum installed the new kernel? It obviously happened automatically once, because I have it in more than one old /lib/modules/ directory. I just don’t have it in the most recent one now . . .
Thanks for any help,