How do i change from the text interface to gui after reboot

I am new to centOS as well as asteriskNow. After successfully installing asteriskNow 1.7 the reboot landed me in the text interface prompting me to configure my network. I login as root with my password however, I could not enter the GUI after doing my network configuration.
Please instruct me on how to change from the text interface to the GUI.
Thank you.

get on another machine, open a browser and point it to the machine you have installed it on… then address questions to the AsteriskNow forum

please pardon my stupidity by this question:
Do i use a windows pc (server/desktop) as I have them but I have 2 other boxes I’ve been keeping for learning linux but just installed asteriskNow on one while the 2nd is yet to be used. I have ubuntu linux iso that I can set up on it to get ahead. I’M A MICROSOFT WINDOWS PERSON.
Please advise. I shall keep to the asteriskNow forum after this.

If you’ve rebooted the server and have been left at the command prompt with no GUI then X isn’t configured to start up with the machine.

As long as X was working before you rebooted, then it’s easy to fix.

To start X right now, issue:

/etc/init.d/kdm start


/etc/init.d/gdm start

as root.

Which one you need depends on which system you are using. GDM is part of Gnome whilst KDM is part of KDE but you can use either to start the other Window Manager.

To start it every time on start up, use chkconfig to set it for your default runlevel.

I appreciate that you’re a Windows person, so I’ll go out of my way to include some details below to help you get this done. I’m not teaching you to suck eggs!

First off, once you’ve managed to load the right logon manager (KDM/GDM) then you simply need to issue the following command:


this will return 2 values. The second value is the current runlevel that you are in (Linux supports multiple runlevels to start and stop services depending on the computers current requirement). The first is probably “N” which means “No previous runlevel” which is correct if you’ve just started it.

Add the correct logon manager with chkconfig:

chkconfig --level kdm on

(Substitute KDM for GDM if you need to but don’t forget that Linux is case-sensitive almost 100% of the time).

Hope this is what you’re after.