Due to hardware limitations (ARM processor, Debian ETCH, LS Live) I am only able to run Asterisk 1.2.13. Is there a GUI I can use with this setup? It looks like FreePBX only works with newer versions, as does the AsteriskNow platform. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great!
Older versions of FreePBX work fine on 1.2.x, I am running FreePBX 2.1.3 with Asterisk 1.2. I am pretty sure even the newer version will work fine on Asterisk 1.2, and as a matter of fact I will be testing that out in the next few weeks as I prep for a major upgrade of FreePBX and Asterisk.
Now I would highly suggest you get the latest version of 1.2 (currently as the hardware requirements are the same as 1.2.13.
The AsteriskGUI requires 1.4 or later.
[quote=“swaterhouse”]Older versions of FreePBX work fine on 1.2.x, I am running FreePBX 2.1.3 with Asterisk 1.2. I am pretty sure even the newer version will work fine on Asterisk 1.2, and as a matter of fact I will be testing that out in the next few weeks as I prep for a major upgrade of FreePBX and Asterisk.
Now I would highly suggest you get the latest version of 1.2 (currently as the hardware requirements are the same as 1.2.13.
The AsteriskGUI requires 1.4 or later.[/quote]
Ok great, I will try it this evening. As for the FreePBX app itself, does it run on all different hardware types as far as you know?
Ok thanks, I downloaded and unpacked the .tgz file to my Asterisk directory. Do I need to “make” or run this application in anyway, or is everything done?
This is where I am now in the process, if you can let me know what to do from here to get the Freepbx running that would be great.
[color=green]AAH_updatemaint.sh[/color] ChangeLog [color=blue]SQL[/color] amportal.conf [color=blue]docs upgrades[/color]
CHANGES FAQ UPGRADE [color=green]apply_conf.sh install_amp[/color]
CONTRIB.txt INSTALL [color=blue]amp_conf[/color] asterisk.conf sqlite.readm
In the above AAH-updatemaint.sh, Changes, and Contrib.txt are the categories. I tried to post an image but it doesnt work.
go to the FreePBX page for install instructions