Digium phones and the intercom/page function

I’ve been spoilt because I’ve used DPMA on FreePBX to work with my Digium phones (D40,D50,D70) in the past.

Now I’m using FreePBX on a Pi and DPMA isn’t supported.

That’s…OK - I’ve been able to use the web GUI to setup the lines on my phone and that got my 95% of the way there.

But what I haven’t been able to satisfactorily setup is paging.

Is it correct that the Digium phones out of the box do not support any paging and in order to do a ring-answer or an automatic answer you need to tell them so in an XML config?

Is it enough to just tell the phone to find this

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <alert alert_info="normal" ringtone_id="Digium" ring_type="normal" />
            <alert alert_info="ring-answer" ringtone_id="Digium" ring_type="answer" />
            <alert alert_info="intercom" ringtone_id="" ring_type="answer" />
            <alert alert_info="visual" ringtone_id="" ring_type="visual" />

and do the rest of the setup via the web GUI or will the two methods constantly be in conflict with each other?

I guess what I’m asking is, does the XML need to be full and complete or can I patch the web GUI with unsupported settings using the XML file?


ah, just seen this from @malcolmd

looks like it’s one or the other not both

So I guess my new question is…

is this “enough” of an XML config?!


I’d go with less.
I’d try to define only the minimum. The minimum’s probably going to be your accounts account definition and your ringtones alerts definitions.
What you’ve got in there tries to define a lot. It’s probably not what you want.

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Thanks, that’s really useful. To know that the minimum is also an acceptable config

So more like this?

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <setting id="time_zone" value="Europe/London" />
    <setting id="logo_file" value="user" path="/user_image.png" url="https://i.imgur.com/x.png" md5="x" />
    <setting id="dim_backlight" value="1" />
    <setting id="backlight_timeout" value="10" />
    <setting id="backlight_dim_level" value="0" />
        <account server_uuid="0" index="0" status="1" register="1" account_id="403" username="403" authname="403" password="xx" passcode="xx" line_label="4003" caller_id="xx" dial_plan="[4]xxx|999|01xxxxxxxxx|3xxxxx|4xxxxx|6xxxxx|7xxxxx|8xxxxx|*xx.T3|[2]x.T3|07xxxxxxxxx" visual_voicemail="0" voicemail="sip:800@" needMwiSubscription="1" plar_number="" ring_type="normal" subscription_extension="auto_hint_4003" conflict="replace">
            <host_primary server="" port="5060" transport="udp" media_encryption="" reregister="300" retry="25" />
            <alert alert_info="normal" ringtone_id="Digium" ring_type="normal" />
            <alert alert_info="ring-answer" ringtone_id="Digium" ring_type="ring-answer" />
            <alert alert_info="intercom" ringtone_id="" ring_type="answer" />
            <alert alert_info="visual" ringtone_id="" ring_type="visual" />

Aye, more like that.

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Is it possible that someone who has done this with Digium D40/50/70 phones and FreePBX could post their XML? I can use an XML config and get basic calls working (instead of configuring via the device’s web GUI) but then things like the LAN port don’t work even though it’s set to automatic when I look in the phone’s settings. I also haven’t managed to get ring-answer working yet which is a bit sad.

Thank you anyone!

You’ll be better off asking FreePBX questions at https://community.freepbx.org

Most people here use Asterisk on its own, not as part of FreePBX.
