I am trying to download a custom ringtone into my D50’s but it is not working properly.
I started with a .WAV file and ran the SOX command found here: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/DIGIUM/Digium+Phones+and+FreePBX#DigiumPhonesandFreePBX-Ringtonesto convert the file to a .sln file. However, I had to remove the -w argument as it is returns invalid for it.
After converted, I upload it to the DPMA module ringtone section. I assign it as the default for a phone and reconfigure the phone.
When I check in the phone, the file I had added is in the list but when I preview it, Nothing plays.
I checked in the web GUI of the phone in the ringtones section and the file I added is only 0.1KB in size. If I upload the original wave file directly to the phone, It registers as 31.5KB and it will play fine.
If I do a Import Raw in Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/, I can play the file back fine on my computer.
So it seems more like the file is just not getting pushed to the phone.
Does anybody have any suggestions?