It seems that most folks don’t advertise it, but its generally available…
I’ve been calling around to a few providers… below are some notes I’ve started taking…
Notes: This is all from my scribbly hand writing as I was talking to these guys, please double check my facts and figures if it matters for your business
I am located in San Francisco Bay Area, so I was looking for servers close to me.
Teliax - $2.50 per Virtual DID in small quantities. $1/DID in quantity 200. a Virtual DID points to an existing DID/Channel bank. Channels are unlimited in their pay as you go plan. $.02/minute domestic USA $.029/minute Toll free incoming. Service includes Failing over to Land Line, but I seem to have found some issues with it, so it may not work for our situation? More testing is needed.
Servers closest to me:, and a beta California server (what I’m interested in) at
Netlogic - They do not offer bulk DID’s at the moment, but they are in the process (1-3 months). My interpretation of my phone call about their future plans (ie: not binding, don’t hold anyone to it): Cost will be roughly $1/DID even in relatively small quantities (50 or so). You will either be able to pay per DID per minute rates, or per channel rates. Per channel rates would be roughly $20/channel currently their rates are $0.015 outbound. $.01 inbound.
At the moment these guys seem to have the most reliable ping times (see the next post for more on this)
Servers closest to me: (200 paul, san francisco, using level3)
Junction Networks:
Unlimited channels
2.9c per minute
3.9c per minute toll free
Manual failover to land line - few dollars per month (exact amount not known by sales agent)
Auto Failover to land line: $20/month
They’re in New york, colocated at 60 Hudson.
Nearest server to me: (This doesn’t resolve?? anyone know their actual server name or IP?)
40 cents per DID
$.009 incoming
$.0139 outgoing
Failover is charged per minute (not sure on rate)
Servers are located in colorado:
Their 1800 number folks dont’ handle large DID orders, and referred me to biz dev. Waiting to hear back from them (I just emailed them yesterday, its not a problem that I’m waiting).
Their servers are in Manhattan:
They are bringing up a server in California, at a TBA date in the somewhat near future (1-4 months)