Dependencies for res_config_mysql

Hello, I’ve installed Asterisk version 14.7.8 for the test environment, but I’m having trouble locating the dependencies for the res_config_mysql module so that I can select it in the make menu. I’m new to this, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

‘XXX res_config_mysql’. Could you provide some clarification or assistance with that?

Thanks in advance for your help

On Monday 13 May 2024 at 15:29:46, abadi via Asterisk Community wrote:

Hello, I’ve installed Asterisk version 14.7.8


That hasn’t been supported since 2017.


Too many people spend money they haven’t earned
to buy things they don’t want,
to impress people they don’t like.

  • Will Rogers

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I’m not 100% sure, but I think that module might be deprecated. I suggest you try ODBC for your MySQL connection.

Is it possible to create a table and access on asterisk terminal

Usually, you don’t want to access DB data through the Asterisk terminal. MySQL already provides its terminal for that, using the mysqladmin command. What you should do is access the DB information through the dial plan. In this case, you have many different ways, such as AGI, ODBC function, and shell function.

Okay thanks

On Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 16:03:54, SatyaPrakashGolden via Asterisk Community

Is it possible to create a table

You can create any tables yo like in your database, and if you use the ODBC
driver you can get Asterisk to populate customer fields in standard tables as

and access on asterisk terminal

Please explain what “Asterisk terminal” means.

I suggest you describe exactly what you are trying to achieve - short (and
single) sentences often give too little information for us to understand what
you’re trying to do, and therefore it’s not easy to suggest the best ways of
doing it.


The next sentence is true.
The previous sentence is untrue.

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Sir i want to know how can i make call by using tls transport with linphone android app or microsip , is there need both side certificates for tls secure calling please suggest me i have been trying since two weeks

I have generated all certificate and i have made also tls transport and endpoints also all are good but when i go to connect i get ssl handshakes error

Don’t jump between topics on the same thread; this question is not related at all to your initial question. Open a new thread and wait for a reply from other team members.

On Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 16:21:13, SatyaPrakashGolden via Asterisk Community

Sir i want to know how can i make call by using tls transport

I personally cannot help with this query, but I would encourage you to start a
new topic when you want to ask about something entirely different, so that
future people looking for something similar can find the dicussion.

Your question about SIP over TLS is not at all related to res_config_mysql.



Schrödinger’s rule of data integrity: the condition of any backup is unknown
until a restore is attempted.

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Thankyou very much

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