I know how to implement the DID I have gotten from my VoIP-Proider on the asterisk server.
Since these numbers are still very expensive in Europe, I will get my own DID directly (not from a VoIP-Provider, but a state equal institution). I want to provide my family and friends with my own DID´s.
But , how does that work?
So, I do know where I get the DID`s for almost free, but how will the DID´s get connected to my asterisk server and most important of all: How will my DID´s get reached out of the PSTN (and of the www too)?
It depends how your provider will send you the calls. If over VOIP then they send it to your IP. If it is coming in over a E1 then you need an E1 card on your system.
To send the calls back out you need a termination provider. You can see if your origination provider (the one sending you the calls) can terminate calls as well if not do a google search for VOIP termination. Off the top of my head you can try using
Hi Dovid,
thanks for your reply.
I do know how to register with a voip- and DDI-Provider.
But I want to do it myself! I know where to get the DDI´s in Europe, so I want to be a DDI-(and maybe VoIP-)Provider all by myself!
I haerd, that I do need some kind of Signalingpoint in the “Zwischennetz” (That is German) - I am sorry, but I am not able to translate that.
So, if I have that signalingpoint, how do I get it connected to my asterisk , so that it will know, when someone in the PSTN (or internet) is dialing the DDI´s which I provide for me and others? In other words: How will the calls come in?
What do I have to do?
First look in to the regulations in Germany to see what laws apply to being your own ITSP.
It depends how your carriers will send you the calls. You do not need anything other than asterisk to get the calls. If the calls come in over VOIP they will hit your servers automatically. If the calls come in over the PSTN you will need the appropriate hardware in the system such as an E1 card etc. Also you will need to write some kind of software management (such as enswitch - integrics.com) to manage your servers.
Lastly make sure you plan everything will (redundancy etc). I would tell you to start playing around and when you are ready to sell either buy a software solution or have a coder write one up for you.
I already checked the regulations and laws in germany taht far.
Probably you do not understand my problem, I try again:
I will get the DDI´s directly from the authorities, so I have to take part in the “Signaling System No. 7, SS7” . I will get a National and or International Signal point codecs (NSPC / ISPC) directly from the authority.
But how do I take part with this codecs and how to I get connected to the SS7-net?
I reag I need a gateway for that too. May I have that gateway on my asterisk gateway to the PSTN, too? Where will be the transfer take place from the call within the other carrier and my comunication-net?
I already checked the regulations and laws in germany that far.
Probably you do not understand my problem, I try again:
I will get the DDI´s directly from the authorities, so I have to take part in the “Signaling System No. 7, SS7” . I will get a National and or International Signal point codecs (NSPC / ISPC) directly from the authority.
But how do I take part with this codecs and how to I get connected to the SS7-net with my DDI´s?
I know that I need a gateway for that too. May I have that gateway on my asterisk gateway to the PSTN, too? Where will be the transfer take place from the call within the other carrier and my comunication-net?