Configuring an asterisk using another one

hi Asterisk community
I’m trying to configure 2 asterisk 21.3.1 with a freepbx with same asterisk version.
i define extentions, queues and other settings on freepbx. then on asterisks i use nfs and read the /etc/asterisk from freepbx machine.
bt my calls fail.
is there any specific way for this scenario?
thank a lot

This isn’t really an Asterisk question, it’s a FreePBX question. That forum is at

Also, this version of Asterisk requires FreePBX 17, which was only released in the last few days.

that not really
I’m going to use asterisk as my main pbx
I just want to use freepbx as GUI, to configure all asterisk in same time.
it’s not necessary to use freepbx.
if there is any other idea for that, I would be thankful if you share with me

yeah i have installed freepbx 17, with asterisk 21.3.1

FreePBX doesn’t simply generate config files. It also uses AGIs and other things with Asterisk.

The FreePBX GUI is not a GUI for configuring Asterisk; it is a GUI for configuring FreePBX. FreePBX is an application based on Asterisk. It uses Asterisk but does not have full control of it.

FreePBX uses databases and AGI code, not just dialplan, so I don’t think cloning /etc/asterisk will be sufficient.

thanks for your reply David
do you have any suggestions, or idea about how can such a scenario works?

The FreePBX people would probably suggest doing a FreePBX backup and restoring it onto the second machine.

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