Cheap hardware needed and type of internet connection

Hi to all,

I’m just new here in the community and would like to ask all of you for some help. I am just new in asterisk and planning to take the online video tutorial since Digium doesn’t offer any classroom training right now in the Philippines. My question is what hardware I need to setup a small home lab for practicing asterisk and what type of Internet connection do I need? My current Internet speed is 3mbps DSL copper type. I’m also in a tight budget.

Hope to hear from you guys.



It’s 24 hours, not two hours.

Almost any Intel based desk top PC sold in about the last seven years can be used for a low volume VoIP Asterisk host. Similarly for most laptops. A number of people have used Raspberry Pi’s.

You don’t need an internet connection (although you need to have an alternative DNS provider, if you don’t) unless you want to use an ITSP. You need about 100kpbs in each direction per active external call leg. This needs to be lowish latency and low jitter, so, if there is other traffic and you are unable to prioritise traffic, you may need much more.

The most important investment is real SIP phones, as soft phone, particularly the loss leader versions, have some significant limitations.