Is there a process by which an app can view a phone’s configuration data? In particular, I’d like to be able to access the configured (or default) idle screen image to use in an enhanced idle screen app. It would be great to allow the idle screen to be configured as it normally is, but add some additional, user-specific data, that would enhance the productivity of the idle screen. I’ve looked around in the API spec, but haven’t found what I was looking for, but maybe I need new glasses…
Not that I’m aware of currently.
One possible way to work around this is to allow the user to specify a URL to download an image to use if they are selecting your enhanced idle app, and then the app can fetch that to a file and then display it on the screen. You can take a screen shot if you want to get the default images and then provide those via the same utility that you allow the user to configure a new image.
Not ideal…but still possible…
One could also make a separate idlescreen app that just showed the desired image, and install both apps. The phone’s behavior with multiple idle screen apps installed is to cycle between them.