I have a need to communicate with ATA boxes located at different locations. I have a vague idea on how to set it up but I need some input so I can make it work properly. So far, I have only done Asterisk to Asterisk setups connected to PSTN environments.
My question is:
Has anyone tried this before? I am thinking of using Sipura ATA boxes. Any idea how these boxes perform with Asterisk? How about Linksys? To the best of my knowledge, Linksys works only with Vonage environments. Is this correct?
How should I configure the remote ATA boxes in order to talk with the Asterisk server properly?
What is the recommended CODEC standard to use so I can have reliable communications even with slow Internet connections at the remote ATA sites?
Not much different than a local SIP device. Set nat=yes if the client is going to be behind NAT, probably the case.
G729 uses the least bandwidth but it suffers the most over links with high delays. Codecs are an easy problem with these types of setups, the most important thing is to get the QOS right.
[quote=“moon-buddy”]I have a need to communicate with ATA boxes located at different locations. I have a vague idea on how to set it up but I need some input so I can make it work properly. So far, I have only done Asterisk to Asterisk setups connected to PSTN environments.
My question is:
What is the recommended CODEC standard to use so I can have reliable communications even with slow Internet connections at the remote ATA sites?
Thanks in advance for any input. [/quote]
Can’t help you with the first two Q’s, but for the third I would recomend GSM codec. It is free, as to the G729, which you need to buy a license. The GSM codec is 13kbps compered to the G729 which uses 8kbps.
Keep in mind though that the harder you compress the more CPU usage. And the CPU usage escalates with the number of simultaneous calls.