First of all, I’m sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. I reviewed the sticky on where to post / how to post and this seemed to be the right area.
Now on to the meat of my question. I’m responsible for a facility with 10+ locations and we are thinking about making the switch to Asterisk. Unfortunately for me, a few of the locations are only connected to our central site via wireless. In one case one of the sites is connected to a spoke site via wireless, that is only connected to our hub site via wireless as well.
I’m looking for some software that can give me some fairly good numbers regarding how many calls I can expect to successfully pas across these links before I commit our phone system to it so I can make some network upgrades if necessary.
I’ve looked at SIPp but I either don’t understand it well enough for my needs or it just plain doesn’t do what I need. It seems like i can only play back an already recorded RTP stream. I’m looking for something I can setup at my central location on a single PC, with a client at each of my spokes, and generate RTP streams in a way that allows me to keep adding another stream at my discretion and monitor jitter and latency until they fall out of acceptable ranges so I know how many practical calls I can truly get over each of my inks.
Can anyone PLEASE point me in the right direction on this issue?