Zapata channel value


i just want to know why is it most of the tutorials in the web tell that when configuring T1 with TE110P card you have to set "channel = 1-23 "
why not " channel= 1-24 " since T1 has 24 channels?

I have TE110P and a Rhino channel with 8 FXO and 16 FXS that is 24 channels.


PRI T1s (ISDN) are 23 voice channels with a 24th channel being a Data channel, that’s why most tutorials say this. For your channelbank you will want to split your config up since you seem to have an FXO/FXS split channelbank so you will not use 1-24 in any of your settings(although you will assign 24 voice channels total)

Are your FXO or FXS channels first on the channelbank?

ah ok thanks for clarification anyway i found other tutorial that fit my needs and same with your advice, it assigned 24 voice channels.

my fxo’s modulde are first on the channel bank with fxs signalling that are 1-8 ports or channels followed with the 9-24 FXS’s…
