I have a system setup with 8 grandstream xp-2000 phones and asterisk. The asterisk server has a 4 port digium tdm card installed. I have had tons of problems with the sound quality, everything is always two quiet, there is echo on the line when you first answer a call. If I up the rxgain and txgain setting I can get better volume but then the phones pick up tons of background noise.
I have another setup that is almost identical but with Cisco 7905/7912 phones and call quality is perfect. Any ideas? Also, I cannot find a description of the echo training setting anywhere. What does that do?
Unfortunately, these phones are just kind of crappy. I’ve got a bunch here in my office and some of them have serious echo issues on internal SIP calls.
Hi i use these phones as well. the firmware update helps but they still have some major faults they go quite on me and u have to either flick them onto speaker phone else reboot them. also if there in noisy environment the quality goes right down. I have one customer though whos office is well sound damped and it works well there.
Personally, I like the fact that with the newest stable firmware everything is a bit too quiet and that with the newest beta firmware that I have to press "Speaker" and then pickup the handset after every reboot or configuration change to fix the volume issues so that I can hear at all...
Seriously though, these things are a waste of money. Hopefully they’ll have better firmware soon so that the phone can actually do half the things that they claim it can do in the datasheet.
Thanks for the information, that is kind of the thinking I am having. I am going to throw a Cisco 7905 on their network and see how much better the quality is there. If it is a lot better then I may have to take drastic action. Thanks again.
We were having the exact same problem with our gxp-2000 phones as the original poster with a similar setup using the 4 port tdm card. What i found helps is to log in as admin on the phone and under the advanced tab change Voice Frames per TX from 2 to 10. For some reason it wont take anything above 10, but it improved the sound quality alot.
These phones are not a “bad” little phone, just they quality of them are not what you would expect to use for an office. We ultimatly went to some cisco phones for in office, and use the gxp-2000 for out of office. Havnt had any problems with that yet.
Try changing the Voice Frames per TX and see what happens, it wont fix all the issues, but it does help the sound quality quite a bit.
[quote=“legos211”]I have had tons of problems with the sound quality, everything is always two quiet, there is echo on the line when you first answer a call. If I up the rxgain and txgain setting I can get better volume but then the phones pick up tons of background noise.
[quote=“stoffell”][quote=“legos211”]I have had tons of problems with the sound quality, everything is always two quiet, there is echo on the line when you first answer a call. If I up the rxgain and txgain setting I can get better volume but then the phones pick up tons of background noise.
There is a new firmware to be expected very soon now, it has some bugfixes on voice quality.
What’s your source on “There is a new firmware to be expected very soon now”? I’ve emailed them a couple times over the past 2 months and all they ever say is that they are aware of the issues that I am reporting, that they should be fixed in the next stable, but that they won’t comment on when that might be released.
I’ve tried it (version 12), but had to remove it. It DOES repair the speaker phone problems but introduces about 3 new problems for every fix it contains.
I spoke to people from Grandstream at a trade show, and they expect to make a much better release available before the end of the year. They couldn’t be more specific than that.
It’s good to know that the problems are being addressed anyway.
I’m sorry, should have mentioned this on my first post. I sent an e-mail last week with complaints about the ‘volume problem’ introduced since the last firmware. They replied:
we are about to release a new firmware that fix the volume problem.
Best Regards,
Grandstream Technical Support
Apart from this, I heard the same from other grandstream owners who complained about bugs. So we’re all looking forward to the next release…
I just spent the $40 and got the G729 codec and all is well after i installed that. Just some advice if you decide to do that is that the instalation instructions the give you suck balls but it is not difficult to do, just ask me if the need arrives
I’m running two boxes. Both are Athlon XP 2500+ systems with 512MB of RAM. The first box has about a dozen extensions and the second has about ten. Neither box has more than 5 or 6 extensions in use at a given time, and the average is probably more like 2 or 3 at a time.
My one box is a P3 800Mhz with 256MB ram an it runs like a beauty with G729 and 8 extentions. I also have another box(1,7Mhz P4) that is running on ulaw and the quality in sound noticebly worse