Unable to playback .mp3 or wav files

Hi All,

Need urgent help, i want to develop Radio IVR, here are the steps that i am following.

  1. Capturing live audio streaming using wget. Streaming successfull captured.
    wget -O download001.mp3

  2. then i have convert download001.mp3 to download001.wav
    mpg123 -w download001.wav download001.mp3

  3. but when playback download001 file getting below error, i had selected format.mp3 and wav on make menuselect during installation.

    – Executing [1000@radioivr:1] Answer(“SIP/100-00000006”, “”) in new stack
    – Executing [1000@radioivr:2] Playback(“SIP/100-00000006”, “download001”) in new stack
    [Feb 17 13:33:58] WARNING[3495]: format_wav.c:132 check_header: Not in mono 2
    [Feb 17 13:33:58] WARNING[3495]: file.c:371 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav
    [Feb 17 13:33:58] WARNING[3495]: mp3/interface.c:216 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 49435920
    [Feb 17 13:33:58] WARNING[3495]: mp3/common.c:148 decode_header: Layer 2 not supported!
    – <SIP/100-00000006> Playing ‘download001.slin’ (language ‘en’)
    [Feb 17 13:33:58] WARNING[3495]: mp3/interface.c:216 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 244feef5
    [Feb 17 13:33:58] WARNING[3495]: mp3/layer3.c:967 III_dequantize_sample: mpg123: Can’t rewind stream by 165 bits!
    – Executing [1000@radioivr:3] Hangup(“SIP/100-00000006”, “”) in new stack
    == Spawn extension (radioivr, 1000, 3) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/100-00000006’

after download the file, you should convert the file to a format that asterisk can play. You can accomplish this task using the sox tool.
Example :

sox heal.mp3 -t raw -r 8000 -s -2 -c 1 heal.sln