I’m trying to “roll my own search” for Google, because the Asterisk Wiki search often returns unwanted stuff, and searching on Google always gives me utterly useless and misleading results from that wretched voip-info.org site which, as a newbie, gave me so much misleading info an stress!
If you’ve not come across it, it appears to have taken a snapshot of the VOIP world and Asterisk as it was in 2005, and then laden it with ads and got to the top of Google!
I find the Asterisk wiki to be full of good info, but who needs results for v1.8, and what use is this as a result when searching for “CDR?” wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/download … 117&api=v2
So, I rolled my own Google Search! Try it
cse.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx … rdia6myvc0
and excludes
Let me know if there are any other sites or patterns to include and/or exclude and together we can make this thing rock!