TDM400 modules - 1 line or 2?

So I work for an IT outsource firm, and we’re looking to expand our services to Asterisk sales and support. My boss wants me to set up and build an Asterisk box for the office phone system first. It’s not real complex - there’s going to be 7 extensions total (5 voice, 2 faxes - 1 fax is incoming, 1 fax is outgoing), the wiring is already in place, and we have pretty solid experience with turnkey VOIP systems (obviously Asterisk is a bit more complicated to get going). We’ve got the test box all ready to go except the analogue interfaces. We’ve only got 3 lines (2 voice, 1 fax) so I know we’re going for the TDM400 - the only question is how many modules to get?

A question came up during a conversation a short while ago about whether or not the modules are 1 pair or 2 pair native. I.e. -

does 1 module = 1 line?
does 1 module = 2 lines over 1 2-pair wire?

I’ve done some research into it, and the digium website is worded just enough to be confusing if you let your imagination run away with you. So, I figured I’d go straight to the informed source - you guys.

Any help you can oblige would be greatly appreciated.


little confused about your setup. tdm400 can take 4 modules - fxo (for outside line) or fxs (for inside line.)


A TDM400 has the connectors for 4 daugter boards
The daughter boards can be fxo ones or fxs ones
each daugter board supports 1 cct.

Hope that clears it up


A TDM400 has the connectors for 4 daugter boards
The daughter boards can be fxo ones or fxs ones
each daugter board supports 1 cct.

Hope that clears it up[/quote]

Yep, that’s exactly what I needed. Thanks very much! I’m sure we’ll be back…