T1 Failover for Asterisk

Hello all,
I have been using small 4 port t1 failover boxes from failovervoip.com. Since my last order that company doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Just wondering what everyone else is using to failover their PRI’s to a backup server. The thing that seemed unique about the box I was using is that it would failover all pins in the RJ connection instead of just the t1 pins so I could run my ethernet through there and have both servers with the same IP address (on one of the nics anyway) and so when it failed over the phones thought they were talking to the same server. Any ideas on what I should do now?


Xorcom do something or use red-fone gateways , This is what we use


You can use the foneBridge product from red-fone.

I use them in asterisk clusters and the’re all right.

red-fone website: red-fone.com/

Have a look at this document:
support.red-fone.com/index.php?_ … 17&nav=0,9

It describes the installation process and may help your understanding on how it works;

How do yall manage the failover on the phones side? We previously had the ip address the phones talked to as the same on both servers and just did a physical cable failover for the ethernet connectivity on the phone vlan. I guess I need to learn about truly clustering my main and backup server huh?