I’m trying to get my SPA-3000’s Dial Plan configured correctly so that basically ANYTHING I have dialed on the Analog phone attached to it is sent to Asterisk for processing.
IE: Sometimes after calling say, DirecTV and pressing 1 or 2 or whatever option I get disconnected, well I just hit my phones Redial option and it dials EVERYTHING that I entered, even after the call connected, so I have 1-800-DIRECTV-10375 and then the SPA-3000 gives me its Busy Signal cause that number doesn’t fit into the dial plan.
Currently I have it configured as such:
(#xx|< :*>*xxxS0|*98<:@gw0>|*xx|[3469]11|0|00|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxx.|<*9:@gw0>|[2-9]xxxxxx<:@gw0>)
I don’t quite understand the < :*>*xxxS0 part but from what I understand so far that any number dialed without an area code goes over the PSTN, any number I dial that starts with *9 goes over the PSTN as well (mainly to be used as PSTN Long Distance Faxing). I also had to as the *98<:@gw0> so that I could just access the PSTN Voicemail instead of Asterisk’s voicemail
I’m using Asterisk@home 2 and I got it setup in AMP to dial out over zingotel in the form of 1+NXXNXXXXXX|. so that it removes extra digits
I’ve read the SPA-3000’s admin guide but thats like reading a quantum physics manual.
All I want to know is there is wildcard character that can be used to put into the dial plan of the SPA-3000 that will route whatever is dial over to the Asterisk server and thus let asterisk handle the call routing. And if possible still have the *98 and *9 go directly over the PSTN line without having asterisk process anything?