CallerID sometimes works with my TDM11b card. The line is a KPN line. My analog DECT phone receives the CallerID every time, flawlessly, so it seems to be transmitted reliably. Here is my zapata.conf:
Does any of you have an idea on how to improve? I’ve already tried “cidstart=polarity” and “cidstart=ring”, with and without “relaxdtmf=yes”, all with unsatisfactory results.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t improve anything. If anything, CallerID detection got worse. This is what I see on the console with “ring”:
*CLI> -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
Mar 26 15:07:36 NOTICE[11797]: chan_zap.c:6063 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
Mar 26 15:07:37 NOTICE[11797]: chan_zap.c:6063 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
Mar 26 15:07:41 NOTICE[11797]: chan_zap.c:6063 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
-- Executing AGI("Zap/1-1", "jabber.agi|myjabber@address Inkomend gesprek van .") in new stack
This is what I see on the console, when put things back to “polarity”:
== Starting post polarity CID detection on channel 1
-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
-- Executing AGI("Zap/1-1", "jabber.agi|myjabber@address Inkomend gesprek van .") in new stack
The CallerID number should be between “inkomend gesprek van” and the period after it.
After the changes in zapata.conf, I issued a “restart when convenient” command to reload everything.
I also tried “cidstart=ring” and “cidstart=polarity” with “immediate=yes”, but that didn’t work either.