Request for working configuration of DISA

Hi friends,

I am working with DISA from 4 days. When I dial from my mobile, after entering DISA extension, its asking PIN number. After that, its giving dial tone. But, call is not going through my VoIP trunk and simply hangup. Can anybody send me a perfect working configuration for DISA with Asterisk or Trixbox?

Looking forward to your response. Thank you.


please don’t spam the forum with this request. a single thread would suffice. it would also help if you posted what you have already configured. otherwise any request for a “working DISA” should be directed either to the wiki at or to the TrixBox forums if you want a TB-specific setup, or perhaps you shold look at Nerd Vittles where there is a great DISA setup.

or you could look at asteriskguru. or better yet there is my friend google. :smiley:

I mean if you just had looked even for a few minutes, you just might find it