

I have searched all over the forum for a solution for my following problem, it’s been bothering me for quite a while now.

I’m in need of a way to make random periodic announcements, from 6 different sounds.

I read that it’s been included with this patch: issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=6681 (I am running Asterisk

It says to do following:

Add option ‘randomperiodicannounce’ to queues.conf.

I’ve done that in the following way under the General section, if it’s the correct way I am not sure.

randomperiodicannounce = yes

However I have trouble getting periodic-announce playing more than one file.

Can anyone give me a hint in the correct direction, any replies would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

None with an answer for this?

That change has only been committed on trunk and 1.6.0. I’d have to search the change logs to see if it has been propagated into any release 1.6.x version.

You will need to extract the patch from SVN and back port it to 1.4.22, then apply it there, if you want it on that version.

It’s labelled NewFeature, so it will never, officially, go into 1.4. Also note the “post 1.4” in the issue Summary.