Hi, we have running at office asterisk- and zaptel-1.4.11 with and TDM400P
3 FXO+1FXS, but i want to know if i buy a T1/E1 card, the asterisk will detect the T1/E1 card? Or i have to upgrade to asterisk-1.6.x and dahdi??
I ask because we have the asterisk- in production and will be bad news if we have to upgrade :S
So, our current asterisk will support the E1/T1 card?
Using that version of asterisk and zaptel, I have to install drivers to setup a Digium T1/E1 for example?
I install the TDM400P without any extra drivers, i just install the libs needed by asterisk and done.
You think i have to install drivers extra to install the E1/T1 card in our system? (asterisk- and zaptel 1-4.11)
NOTE* Each card include it own echo cancellation module on board.
So i will need extra drivers to use this cards?[/quote]
Zaptel 1.4.11 has drivers for the TE122 and TE406 (TE405 base card) as well as for the TE207 (TE205 base card). Points to note though are that newer TE2 and TE4XX cards use a newer revision framer part that is only compatible with new DAHDI driver releases, not with Zaptel. There’s nothing we can do about that.
Also, continual driver improvements have been made, so the latest DAHDI drivers include all of the bugfixes, while the Zaptel 1.4.11 drivers (more than 2 years old) don’t.
Digium does not provide support for Zaptel. If you run Zaptel, you’re on your own.
What is the most stable version you know of asterisk and dahdi?
I’m going to upgrade then, but i want to know for you knowledge, what is a stable version of asterisk and dahdi
and please, give me a list of the steps to install this new version.
I have never installed an asterisk (with dahdi support) and dahdi
Please, give me the link of an easy way to install this