Had the idea that it would be really cool if you could play different music on hold for different callers.
Anybody think of a way to do this?
Had the idea that it would be really cool if you could play different music on hold for different callers.
Anybody think of a way to do this?
Sure - have a wide range of mp3 tracks - say 50 or 100, set them to be used in order and instantly different moh for different callers
not quite what you had in mind i’m sure.
[quote=“Greg”]Sure - have a wide range of mp3 tracks - say 50 or 100, set them to be used in order and instantly different moh for different callers
not quite what you had in mind i’m sure.
Nice, but how does that translate into how you do it? I mean, what type of programming (even just conceptually) would you use to execute the idea?
Just setup musiconhold.conf as standard -e.g.
default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
then shove your mp3 into the above directory and asteisk will play thru them all in turn. From the wiki voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+ … nhold.conf - under “specifying the music”
Yes, I understand how to set that up. In fact, that’s what I have now. My original question was, however, how to play different music for different people on hold. So, for example, I want the guy holding on extension 2000 to hear classical music (not the stuff that’s being rotated in the music on hold directory) but only classical. I want to put the next caller on hold to line 2000 to hear only rock music, not classical. See? I want to be able to pick and choose the music that will be put on hold on a call by call basis. Not rotate the music.
Now do you understand? Can this be done?