I have a little problem since a few days and i found no answer. Maybe someone can help me what i make wrong here.
I have a incoming number that will redirect to an special extension 301 that redirect the caller to an outside number (the callee).
Now i have played with the option to play an sound file to the callee before the call will be complete transferred. A(x) - Play an announcement to the called party, using ‘x’ as the file.
The announcement should only play the the callee and not to the caller.
here is my extension
; EXTERNAL-PHONE-201260147953b1209d5f922
exten => 301,1,NoOp(local calling internal phone: 0401111111 - <301>)
exten => 301,n,Set(CDR(InternalCalleridNum)=301)
exten => 301,n,Set(CALLED=301)
exten => 301,n,Dial(SIP/SIP-PROVIDER-66860469553ba70d059e36/0402222222,tA(/storage/usbdisk1/media/sounds/announcement.gsm))
exten => 301,n,Hangup()
i have played with the also with
exten => 301,n,Dial(SIP/SIP-PROVIDER-66860469553ba70d059e36/0402222222,tA(announcement.gsm))
exten => 301,n,Dial(SIP/SIP-PROVIDER-66860469553ba70d059e36/0402222222,A(announcement.gsm))
The phone of the callee ringing and after or before pickup the caller its not playing the file.
What i make wrong here?
Maybe i make the wrong way and i should use an additional manual dial plan for announcement on outgoing calls on this extension?
regards and thanks for help