I’m working on implementing hold through AMI. It seems the closes thing is to do something like:
action: park
I can then do “action: parkedcalls” and see this channel. parkingtime/parkpos/parkext are not set anywhere so the parked call is sent to x701 and thrown out after 45s (defaults). How would I go about retrieving this parked call? Do I need to do anything to features.conf to make this work (currently it only has default/featuremap/applicationmap, and there is nothing under the applicationmap hearder)? Thanks.
I never worked out a way of doing it without an extension dial, so when our agents take a customer off hold we actually create an outgoing call from the agent to the park channel.
FYI - We dynamically set the parking ID to {agentid}{callno} so that we don’t have to pull all parked calls each time.
Unfortunately no. Once a call was parked I could never retrieve it. Furthermore the other leg would simply hang up (i.e. me end of the call would hangup).