What needs to be in the extensions.conf to get paging/intercom to work?
I am running *Now 1.0.2 with the new GUI and the GUI setup for paging did not work at all, just rings the extensions. I used the one below, and it beeps, but does not come out on the extension’s speaker at all.
I do have the phones setup to auto-answer depending on header, but it’s not happening.
Here’s the current setup in extensions.conf:
exten => _XXXX,1,Set(__SIPADDHEADER=Call-Info: Answer-After=0)
exten => _XXXX,n,Set(__SIP_URI_OPTIONS=intercom=true)
exten => _XXXX,n,Set(__ALERT_INFO=Ring Answer)
exten => _XXXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20|pN)
exten = s,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: ${PAGING_HEADER})
exten = s,n,Page(${ARG1}|${ARG2})
exten = s,n,Hangup
exten = _*1XXXX,1,Macro(pagingintercom|Local/${EXTEN:1…@ext-paging|d)
exten = 6400,1,Macro(pagingintercom|SIP/1…@ext-paging&SIP/1…@ext-paging|d)